



why we're here.

We believe we can improve the human experience through design. 

We believe that the choices we make in how we design, which considers who and how we engage, what we prioritize, and the stories we share can either shift the status quo - or sustain it.

what we dream.

We dream of a world where designing with intention, repairing past harm, and promoting sustainable impact, are the norm - not just a feature.

how we run.

We invest in and lead projects that influence human behavior. By applying foresight, systems design, restorative justice, and human-centered design strategies, we catalyze creativity for social transformation.

We are managed by a core team and powered by "Spokes," a global network of expertise that keeps us at the forefront of local culture, creativity, and approaches to equitable innovation.

MEET Our Spokes

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what's an "axle" anyway?

Axle Impact Studio is inspired by the functionality and utility of the wheel. An "axle" is an essential component of any vehicle, as it allows for the wheels to rotate.

We see our support as necessary momentum.

Together, we catalyze ethical futures, forward.

Learn About Our Process

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Impact Snapshot

Let's Craft Wonder.

5 Years of Operations
35 Inspired Clients
6 Global Regions Served

Our approach

"Remember to imagine and craft the worlds you cannot live without, just as much as you dismantle the ones you cannot live within."
- Ruha Benjamin

We ground in community insights - acknowledging how governance, leadership, brand identity, and engagement hold influence far beyond an initial interaction.

We explore how this influence converges across ecosystems.

We activate [k]new ways of being and doing through reparative design and restorative impact frameworks.

Our Clients

We’ve worked with some great teams over the years. Here's a select few.